Begunto NUGW at Berlitz Japan

Labor Management Agreements for Begunto NUGW members

Begunto NUGW has fought for and will continue to fight for labor management agreements that offer our members extra protection and rights at Berlitz Japan.

Begunto NUGW has won many labor management agreements (LMAs) since 1995 that all Berlitz employees can enjoy. Though, there are two fundamental LMAs that give Begunto NUGW members exclusive protection against attempts by Berlitz management to harass them:

1 - Right to a Begunto NUGW representative to attend your meetings with Berlitz management and ensure you are not harassed. Press here to see the LMA

2 - Right to forego Berlitz management’s ‘grievance procedure’ (i.e. Berlitz management judging against Berlitz management) and utilize Begunto NUGW’s very real grievance procedure against Berlitz management. Press here to see the LMA

To Enjoy these rights along with the other benefits of being a Begunto NUGW member, join us. History has shown that Berlitz management can commit an unfair action against an employee surprisingly quick, without much warning.

Apply before Berlitz management decides to leverage against you.